Certified Happiness Trainer Certificate

Happiness Training?

I have great news for you!  Scientific studies have identified easy exercises that anyone can follow to increase their happiness.  I’ve used my process improvement expertise to put these exercises in a step-by-step method that will increase your happiness, regardless of life’s circumstances.  This happiness is not dependent on money, job title, marital status, vehicle, level of attractiveness, or anything else “out there.”  It creates a happiness that comes from within.  As such, you can be happy no matter what is going on in your life.

How Does it Work?

It’s interesting that some people in prison are genuinely happy and some billionaires are clinically depressed.  In fact, 40% of billionaires are less happy than the average person.  That’s because circumstances only account for about 10% of our happiness.  Yet, most people spend the majority of their time and energy trying to change their circumstances.  I see this in phrases like I’ll be happy when I get promoted, when I get married or when I lose weight.  Those things do not create lasting happiness for many reasons, which I’ll explain later.  This method will change your mindset and your habits, which is proven to make lasting, sustainable increases in your happiness.


Note that this is not about faking it until you make it, pretending things are better than they are, ignoring negatives or anything like that.  It is about seeing situations realistically, from all sides.  Dealing with all emotions, in the healthiest way possible.  Incidentally, by changing your perspective and your happiness, you will also become more successful.


I’m so confident that this program will work that you do not pay any money up front.  Also, if your happiness does not increase by at least 10%, you never pay *.

 You will take a survey on your happiness before we begin, and then take the same survey again afterwards.  I guarantee that your score will increase at least 10%.  How am I so sure?  I’ve worked with hundreds of people and the average increase is over 20%.  That makes me extremely confident that I can boost your happiness.  And yes, I realize that you could lie on your 2nd survey.  However, I’m confident that you will see such an increase in happiness that you’ll be thrilled with the work.  

*The guarantee only applies to package programs.  Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee results for a single consultation.  

Services Provided

One on One Training

Keynote Speaking

Group Training