Frequently Asked Questions

Happiness training is based off the science of Positive Psychology, which studies the very happiest people from all over the world.  It studies what makes these people so happy and identifies commonalities between them.  It then breaks those commonalities into exercises that anyone can do to immediately boost their own happiness. 

This program will teach you scientifically proven things to make you happier, explain the science of why they work, and give you easy to use templates to ensure that you can do them yourself.  By doing these exercises, you create new neural pathways in your brain that program you to become happier.  

You can go through the program at your own pace and see immediate benefits from doing the exercises.  Building the habits to ensure the change is lasting takes about 3 weeks.  And changing the neural connections in your brain takes between 3-9 weeks.  

100% money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.

Nope.  The lessons and exercises are very simple.  They are based off of lean six sigma methodology, but you do not need any type prior knowledge or experience.  The exercises are very intuitive and I will walk you through any questions.